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Collaboration To Enhance Electronic Surveillance Systems

Jun 14, 2016

A new collaborative agreement to boost the development of military electronic surveillance systems was signed today by the Defence Science and Technology Group (DST) and wholly-owned Australian technology company, Jenkins Engineering Defence Systems.

The company will utilise the innovative light cone direction finder, developed by DST, to enhance the capability of its electronic support measures system.
Chief Defence Scientist, Dr Alex Zelinsky, said the agreement was a fine example of a small to medium enterprise (SME) company capitalising on Defence innovation to provide a capability solution for the Australian Defence Force.

The light-cone direction finder improves the localisation of multiple radio signals and the rejection of spurious signals in a complex electromagnetic environment and is significantly superior to current systems.

“Under this agreement both our defence scientists and the company will work together to improve the effectiveness of the ADF’s direction-finding systems,” Dr Zelinsky said.

“This is the kind of partnership we are keen to encourage as it fosters innovation and adds value to the capabilities being developed by industry for Defence.”

The company’s Managing Director Mr Peter Jenkins said, “JEDS as an SME views this collaboration as an opportunity to develop an innovative product based on DST Group’s groundbreaking research.”

Media note: Imagery will be available at http://images.defence.gov.au/S20161395
Source: http://news.defence.gov.au/2016/06/08/collaboration-to-enhance-electronic-surveillance-systems/